Young Adult League (YAL)
Core Concepts
O Come, let us Worship and bow down before our King and God.
O Come, let us worship and bow down before Christ, our King and God.
O Come, let us worship and bow down to Christ Himself, our King and God.
Psalm 95:6
There are two dimensions to Orthodox Worship which are reflected throughout the many Services of the Church. First, Worship is a manifestation of God's presence and action in the midst of His people. It is God who gathers His scattered people together, and it is He who reveals Himself as we enter into His presence. The Worship of the Orthodox Church very vividly expresses the truth that God dwells among His people and that we are created to share in His life.
Second, Worship is our corporate response of thanksgiving to the presence of God and a remembrance of His saving actions - especially the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Orthodox Worship is centered upon God. He has acted in history, and He continues to act through the Holy Spirit. We are mindful of His actions and we respond to His love with praise and thanksgiving. In so doing we come closer to God. [1]
Behold how good and pleasing it is when brothers dwell in unity
Psalm 133:1
Fellowship comes in many forms. The simplest form is fellowship at the coffee hour after church. Another example is people of the community getting together to celebrate a common joy, like taking in a ballgame. It also includes people getting together to meet a common good, like making food to send to the hungry, or going out in teams to visit the sick.
Through socializing, we start to know the people of our community. We form friendships. We bond with people who have common interests. We learn about people who have unique talents as well as unique needs. Fellowship should then extend to people with unique talents matching up to help those whose unique needs match their unique talents or abilities. For instance, there might an person who is sick and needs a ride to a doctor appointment, and there might be another person who is healthy and has time. Put those two together and one serves while the other is served. That is fellowship. [2]
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve
Mark 10:45
Young adults can use their God-given talents to serve. For Orthodox Christians, service to God and community is a way of life, a way of living out one’s Faith. When young adults use their God-given gifts in service to their neighbor, particularly the less fortunate and marginalized neighbors, they respond to Christ’s call in Matthew 25:31-46, to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and visit those in prison. Responding to these human needs in love is the true meaning of service. [3]
Cultural Enrichment
The YAL is also committed to enriching young adults' connections to their Greek heritage. We aim to immerse members in the rich Hellenic culture through music, dancing, food, and more.
2025 YAL Officers
George Tsitsopoulos
Stavros Ioakimidis
Alex Reissis

Nicole VanKuilenburg

Thanos Arvanitis